African American Flags You must have seen the African American flags flying high in HBCU campuses, atop African American churches, African American businesses and even individual African Ame... Read more
African American Marketing The advertising industry is ever diligent to leave no stone unturned in its never-ending quest for a new buyer of whatever product it is charged with selling at an... Read more
African American Research Although born in Nigeria in 1939, John Uzo Ogbu grew up to become one of the top African American research scientists in the United States. He is cited as one of f... Read more
African American Gifts In 1966, Ron Karenga developed a new cultural tradition to embrace and celebrate all African Americans in the United States. He called this celebration Kwanzaa, a Swah... Read more
African American Men The month of March in 1944 produced a turning point in the common experience of the African American men serving the United States in a military capacity. Thirteen intel... Read more
African American Scholarship A mind is a terrible thing to waste. These words of wisdom are the official slogan for the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), a philanthropic organization that pr... Read more
African American Girls Growing up can be tough on anybody and African American girls are no exception. In fact, growing up seems to be happening at an earlier age for African American girls... Read more
African American Models New Years Day in 1945 heralded the birth of a brightly shining star in African American history and the fashion industry as well. Peggy Anne Freeman was born in Detr... Read more
African American Scholarships Horace Mann was a white abolitionist and reformer of the American education system in the first half of the 1800s. He grew up in Franklin, Massachusetts, living... Read more
African American Grants A trip to any of the American colleges or universities a decade or so ago would have confirmed the prevalent view that the black community was historically one of the... Read more