African American Wedding There was a time when immigrants arriving in America went to extreme lengths to leave behind the influences of their homelands. It was deemed much more fortuitous to... Read more
African American Hair Braiding Styles Fashions come and fashions go. This ebb and flow of all things stylish applies to hair styles, too. One really popular trend in hair today is the Africa... Read more
African American Novels In the list of firsts the first time a particular thing is known to have been done two African American novels vie for the title. In 1853, William Wells Brown pub... Read more
A Look Into Several African American Hair Care Products African American hair care products are gaining popularity due to the hair problems which most African American men and women have to... Read more
African American Painting African American painting is a rich part of the continent’s culture, mostly exuding the endurance and hardships of the blacks in those trying times. The paint... Read more
African American Hair Styles With the styling tools and products on the market today, African American hair styles can achieve just about any look desired. All hair types, however, have spec... Read more
African American Poems African American poems and poets are following the lead taken in 1761 when Jupiter Hammon published his first poem, the first ever published that was written by a blac... Read more
African American Hair Black is the most common of hair colors in the world and its the most common color for African American hair, too. With very few exceptions, black people have black ha... Read more
African American Poetry A rock, a river, and a tree. These three common, simple, everyday things of nature are the wise and gentle subjects of the only African American poetry ever to be rea... Read more
African American Hairstyles In Detroit, African American hairstyles are not what your mama would wear. At least not those featured at the annual hair show / performance art / entertainment e... Read more