African American Figurine Americans love to shop. From apples to zwieback cookies, theres something out there for everyone. When enough of us start shopping for things of a similar nature,... Read more
African American Items There are a myriad of African American items, which are always in demand. The choices are many from wigs to dolls, skin care products to hair care products, quilts to... Read more
African American Quilting African American quilting is approximately as ancient as Americas history. Black women kept as slaves were required to perform a number of tasks. They had to stitc... Read more
African American Figurines Growing prosperity in the African American population across the country has generated a lucrative trade in the arts relating to and associated with Africa and the... Read more
African American Man The African American man represents the black community, who are the citizens of the United States. Their ancestors actually hailed from the lands of sub-Saharan Africa.... Read more
African American Quilts The history of African American quilts is believed to be as ancient as the history of America itself. Though the African American quilt fabric and designs belonged to... Read more
African American Flags You must have seen the African American flags flying high in HBCU campuses, atop African American churches, African American businesses and even individual African Ame... Read more
African American Marketing The advertising industry is ever diligent to leave no stone unturned in its never-ending quest for a new buyer of whatever product it is charged with selling at an... Read more
African American Research Although born in Nigeria in 1939, John Uzo Ogbu grew up to become one of the top African American research scientists in the United States. He is cited as one of f... Read more
African American Babies Its a tragic and puzzling truth but truth it is African American babies have the highest rate of infant mortality in the developed world. Fortunately, a recent the... Read more