Native American Flutes Native American flutes have always played an integral role in Native American music. While most people associate drums with Native American music, the flute is also co... Read more
Native American Pottery The terrific Native American pottery that has lured swarms of tourists since long has its roots in the nomadic Indian era, which is about 2,000 years ago. The nomadic... Read more
Native American Food When it comes to Native American food, most people do not realize what a wholesome yet delicious kind of cuisine it really is. The Native Americans were resourceful peop... Read more
Native American Beadwork Native American beadwork has become synonymous with Native American culture. Today, beadwork can be found in Native American clothing, on utensils, jewelry and cerem... Read more
Native American Names Many of us have heard and admired Native American names. They are often very poetic and have a mysterious allure to them and many people today have opted for Native Ame... Read more
Native American Crafts Native American crafts can be found in almost every home across the country. While Native American art and antiques tend to be rare and expensive, Native American craf... Read more
Native American Girl There is something special about the appeal of a Native American girl- some might say it is their earthy good looks or their inner strength and endurance. Whatever it ma... Read more
Native American Craft Supplies Speaking of Native American craft supplies, there are lots of craft supplies to name right from beads and many beading accessories like trays, looms, twines,... Read more
Native American Girls The plight of many Native American girls today is both heart breaking and challenging. For those who live on reservations, the reality of poverty, alcoholism and the la... Read more
Native American Culture Native American culture has undergone a sea of change in the last hundred years. The Native American people have gone on from being a proud and independent people to... Read more