Beasley, Harry. "Weaving Peg". Journal of the Polynesian Society vol.44, p.65. Notes on an ancient Turuturu.
Best, Eldson. "The art of the Whare Poru : notes on the clothing of the ancient Maori, their knowledge of preparing, dyeing, and weaving various fibres, together with some account of dress and ornaments, and the ancient ceremonies and superstitions of the Whare Pora". Transactions and proceedings of the New Zealand Institute vol. XXXI 1898, pp.625-659.
Brown, Catherine. "How to make a tipare or headband". Te Ao Hou September 1965, pp. 29-31
Coney, Sandra. "Te Pa Harekeke : Traditional Fibre Art of the Maori". Standing in the sunshine : a history of New Zealand women since they won the vote. Auckland : Penguin, 1993. Pp. 278-279
Hetet, Rangimarie and Te Uira. "Ko te mahi o te piupiu: The Art of Making Piupiu". Te Ao Hou : the New World. no. 21 December 1957, pp. 24-28. Some notes are in Maori.
Orbell, Margaret. The illustrated encyclopedia of Maori Myth and Legend. Christchurch. Canterbury University Press, 1995, pp.60-62, 110-112. Includes the legend of Hine-rehia, the story of Mataora and Niwareka and the discovery of weaving, and photographs and illustrations of women weaving
Smith, J. Taaniko. Maori Hand Weaving. New York: 1975.
Turner, R and M. Boyce. Australian Aboriginal Signs and Symbols For the Use of Boy Scouts. Sydney: 1934